Lee Young-ae met President Hu Jintao 胡錦濤 and President Lee Myung-bak, 2008-8-25:
見偶像李英愛 2008.8.25 晚間李明博以國宴款待胡錦濤。出席者包括大國家黨前代表朴槿惠等50名中韓兩國人士,被稱為「氧氣美女」的女星李英愛和另一女星張娜拉都受邀出席! 李英愛5年前靠韓劇《大長今》紅遍亞洲,連胡錦濤也是粉絲。她昨晚和胡錦濤相見歡,還用中文對胡錦濤說:「你好。」 青瓦台相關人士表示,他們知道胡錦濤夫婦都是《大》劇迷,因此邀請李英愛一同共享晚宴。她近年很少出席公開場合,昨身穿黑色套裝亮相,成為媒體焦點。
Translated by Google (quoted exactly): See idol Lee 2008.8.25 Lee Myung-bak to a state banquet in the evening in honor of Hu Jintao. Also present were representatives of the former Grand National Party, Park Geun-hye, such as China and South Korea 50, known as the "oxygen Beauty" actress Lee Young-ae and another actress Jang Nara are invited to attend! Lee five years ago by Korean dramas, "Jang Geum" Hongbian Asia, with Hu Jintao is also a fan. She last night and meet Hu Jintao Huan, the Chinese Hu Jintao said: "Hello." Cheong Wa Dae official said, they know Hu Jintao and his wife are "big" drama fans, invited Lee to share dinner together. She rarely attend public occasions in recent years, the last appearance wearing a black suit and become the media focus. 朝鮮日報中文網
Young-ae finally showed up in an orphanage of Vietnam and donated 50 million Vietnamese dollars and many gifts. Yes, she does not to say anything. We all know. To see news, click here. 李英愛探望越南胡志明市殘障及孤兒院:
"When you say nothing at all" by Alison Krauss.